Waller Corporation Superintendent Jeff Prager is leading amazing improvement projects at the schools that prepared him for his career.
The Waller Corporation is based in Washington, Pa., and it provides general contracting services. Prager has been employed with the company for 13 years, and he has been a union carpenter for 32 years. He has been involved with construction projects at Wheeling Park High School, Triadelphia Middle School, Middle Creek Elementary School, and he is currently leading a project at Wheeling Middle School.
Prager attended Bethlehem Elementary School, Ritchie Elementary School and Wheeling Middle School before graduating from Wheeling Park High School in 1987. Wheeling Middle School opened in the 1970s, and Prager was a student there in the early ’80s. He said leading the construction projects, that include new offices, a Makerspace and security upgrades, at the school is like coming full circle.
“I learned everything in Wheeling Middle’s shop class,” Prager said. “It’s great to be involved in this, and I know my way around (Wheeling Middle). It’s great to see the changes compared to how it was when I was here. It’s a great school, and great things are being done. It was ready for an upgrade, and it won’t be long before everything is done.”
Prager said he enjoyed his time as a student at Wheeling Park High School, and he received a great education. He was involved in cross country and the school’s vocational organization, and he believes the programs available to Patriot students are exceptional.
“I thought they were all top rate,” Prager said. “It prepared me well for life, and it provided me with life skills.”
Prager and his girlfriend, Elpidia Epondulan, also do missionary work, which she has done for nine years, and he has done for six. They recently returned from a month-long stay in The Philippines where they provided all of the students at an elementary school with supplies and the school’s only computer. Prager said he finds the missionary work deeply rewarding.
“You wouldn’t believe how much they appreciate it,” he said. “They tell you how much they appreciate it, and they are doing well. They are excelling.”
Jeff Prager, at right, is shown with Wheeling Middle School Principal Rich McCardle in the school’s new Makerspace.